Plastic recycling plays a vital role in reducing millions of tons of CO2 emissions annually. It replaces virgin materials derived from fossil fuels and prevents discarded plastics from ending up in landfills, polluting our oceans, or being incinerated.
Connecting Plastic

Over 500,000,000 tons of annual CO2 emission savings achieved by plastic recycling can and must be harnessed to provide tangible benefits to recyclers through Carbon Credits. This is our goal, and we won’t stop
It’s a financial instrument, a robust currency of the sustainable future that helps undoing the harm we caused to the environment. Carbon credits serve as a mechanism to incentivize and finance projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which is crucial for mitigating climate change.
What is carbon credit?
By buying carbon credits, businesses and individuals can take responsibility for their carbon emissions and support efforts to combat climate change while helping fund environmentally friendly and regenerative projects around the world
We connect plastic recycling industry with the world of carbon credits generation
We gather, verify, and validate your carbon capturing data, transforming it into tangible income for you.
about us
We deliver incontestable and certified solution to offset your carbon emissions and plastic consumption
We monetize your data to boost your business
Acquires legally registered Carbon Credits with substantial value, generated in accordance with the most stringent standards of verification and compliance. The proceeds from these sales will be channelled towards ecological regeneration and driving significant social impact
Net-Zero Emission Claimant
For plastic recycling companies, we offer an additional revenue stream, enabling them to recognize and support their dedicated workforce while expanding their crucial environmental efforts.

For companies seeking to offset their carbon emissions, we deliver a robust, data-backed, and verified solution to fulfil their environmental responsibilities
Utilizing an accredited verification methodology and cutting-edge blockchain technology, we seamlessly convert the gathered carbon capture data into information ready for the generation of credits with major carbon credit registries
how it works
Prevents the release of CO2 emissions that would have been generated during the production of virgin plastic, as well as if the discarded plastic had ended up in landfills or been incinerated
Plastics Recycler
Our auditors will gather your data and assess your carbon capture impact
Trillion US dollars
Billion US dollars per year
Million Metric Tons
Total Plastics
Recycled in 2022
Total Carbon Credit
Market size 2023
Plastic Recycling Generated Carbon Credit Market Size
We gather, verify, and validate your carbon capturing data, transforming it into tangible income for you.

We deliver incontestable and certified solution to offset your carbon emissions and plastic consumption
work with Us
Contact Us
If you are a plastic recycling company or a carbon credits buyer, you can fill out the form on the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any question, drop us a line to
Plastics Recycler
Net-Zero Emission Claimant
© Vericom Global
US Branch +1 626 602 6696
GE Branch +995 591 444 607